A Lion’s Larynx

“Academic surgeons push boundaries, as we are the first to develop new technology and use them in patients. This is inherently very risky” As a clinical academic, I have developed a career that is partially science and partially surgery. My current research work focuses on the use of implantable robots to overcome any form of …

Living abroad

“Every time I moved I had left things behind – like not being around when my best friend gets married, or when another close friend has a baby – and I needed to tell myself that I was okay missing out on those things.“ Pursuing residency (specialty training) in the US was something that I …


I’ve also really suffered from the loss of relationship and connectiveness with the long covid and the pandemic. All the days of let’s-meet-for-coffees are long gone. I just don’t have the extra energy. Even when I try, I often ended up cancelling, and well, people just stop inviting you after a while.  My smartphone has …

Wireless Connections

“Balancing my research, clinical job, and family life during this time took a lot out of me. Keeping an eye on the end goal and trying to stay positive obviously helped, but what really helped me overcome this period was the support from my colleagues and my family.“ I migrated from India to pursue research …

Frontline Workers

“For healthcare workers, it was about survival. It wasn’t easy watching patients deteriorate and die, we’d spend hours in full PPE and we didn’t know when we were going to have the time to eat, drink, go to the bathroom.  We all kind of just pushed through, because what else could we do? “ The pandemic …

Two Camillas

“I needed to become a psychologist, someone qualified to help and able to do so. But at the same time, I was a patient, with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder“ Training as a clinical psychologist, I found myself holding two different and at times what felt like incompatible identities. I needed to become a psychologist, …

Running out of time

“Everything was so chaotic. The doctors and nurses were running everywhere. At first, I didn’t really know what to do. I was standing there, and then I thought, alright, I have to write the time down, to document everything.“ Throughout my medical training, the worst mental health experience I had at the hospital is something …

Prayers and self-reflection

Medical students definitely experience serious mental health tolls during their time in medical school due to heavy workloads and tough timelines. This toll is especially significant for medical students moving across countries and living far away from their homes and in student dormitories. One medical student I know experienced depression in his first year due …